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Showing posts from 2025

Blogging Weekly to Stay Productive

  What to talk about today? Honestly, I have nothing. So why am I here with a blog post if I have nothing? In trying to make goals for the year, I decided to be more active on here. I want to write and post more. Why? Because I enjoy doing this. Sometime ago, I began a blog under a different name with a different focus. My goal was to post weekly. I’d read somewhere that when doing an author blog, that was a good pace to go at. When I started that now neglected blog, that’s what I did. I sat down and wrote something, anything, once a week and posted it. To my surprise, I lasted longer at it than I thought I would. I think I had even picked a day to post. Maybe it was Monday or Wednesday? I don’t remember. I could check, but I can’t be bothered right now. It’s not really important. What is important is I’d stuck to the weekly blogging for some time and I enjoyed the heck out of it. In fact, if I’d became busy during the week and it came time to post something, I’d drop everything an...

New Year, New Goals, What’s Coming Next

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season. Can’t believe it’s all over with. I swear it lasted all of five minutes then, poof! it was gone. Yes, it’s that time again. Time to make goals for the new year. At the start of every year, I write down goals or things I want to achieve for the year. Rarely do I achieve them, stick with them, or remember them by February. I try again throughout the year, remaking goals and such, with the same results. As I was making my ill-fated list of goals for the year, I thought about why I don’t reach them. That is the problem I need to tackle. How to stick with my list and actually reach my goals. Some goals I achieve, but most of them, not so much. Course Corrected If you’ve been following along, then you know I’d fallen into some sort of slump or writer’s block or something. If you haven’t been following along, you can read the first post about this here and the second here . I’ll wait. All caught up? Good, let’s move forward. I am back i...